Reference materials

General Product Catalog

General Product Catalog

The KITZ SCT General Product Catalog is available. To download, right-click "Catalog PDF" and then "Save as.

View Catalog >

*The catalog content is information current as of catalog publication.
 Please note that some specifications, etc., may have changed.
*For product CAD/diagram data, see "CAD/Diagrams."

General Product catalog by category

Ultra high purity gas valves

A list of KITZ SCT ultra high purity gas valves, boasting high reliability and high durability, is available.

Ultra high purity gas fittings

Mechanical joint type CVC and mainly welding type SCM and SCF fittings can be viewed.

Vacuum valves

Vacuum valves (bellows valves, butterfly valves, ball valves, square gate valves, etc.) can be viewed.

Thermoplastic valves

PFA diaphragm valves for wet systems can be viewed.

Thermoplastic fittings

These PFA fusion welding fittings handle high-level requirements: clean, lightweight, compact, and with no leakage.

Wet systems

KITZ SCT manufactures various equipment in response to customer requirements.
